You Think That What You See Is All There Is


Daniel Kahneman, Nobel-winning author of Thinking Fast and Slow says ‘People are designed to tell the best story possible. So WYSIATI means that we use the information we have as if it is the only information there is’. So what’s WYSIATI? It’s believing that What You See Is All There Is, aka the root cause of so many of our biases, assumptions and misjudgements.  Which is why understanding the component of Information is vital to creating a great Thinking Environment: supplying the facts can change everything.  Supplying the facts while being aware that facts are double-edged, with the power to surprise someone into fresh possibility, or startle into denial. (Just think about annual reviews, 360’s and so on).  For more on the power of  WYSIATI have a look here There are lots of good clips on You Tube too:

Information always has potential – it’s the great potentiator of our surprise and enthusiasm, of our shock and denial.  Discovery of facts can change everything, including the creation of a Thinking Environment.  What have you discovered recently in your TE practice that surprised you – do tell me!

Finally: 2018 is now within reach and you’ll be planning your CPD.  Do please check out the website for courses, and my first UK Alumni day on 19th January here:  I would be delighted to hear from you.


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