Attention isan act of creation
The quality of our thinking depends on the quality of Attention we get from others while we think
Listening to inspirenot listening to reply
The human mind works best in the presence of Appreciation
What do you know about the life-enhancing benefits of giving great Attention?
How can you encourage your colleagues, teams, employees - even yourself - to think independently and well?

Does this sound a bit different – even a little challenging?  If it does it’s probably because we are so rarely encouraged to think about how well we listen.  There’s listening to reply and interrupt – and then there’s listening that actively ignites new thinking.  You could call it ‘listening to inspire’.

‘The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking that we do first – and the quality of that thinking depends on how we are being treated while we think.’  (Nancy Kline)  It’s almost an equation.  Improving the quality of listening improves everything else.

It’s as simple, and as complex, as that.

In order to think well we need to actively create the conditions that help us to do so.  How many organisations choose to do that?  Sadly few.  Yet those who do so are astonished by the difference that it makes.  They notice, as you will, that slowing down speeds things up.

The principles and practice of this deeply human, creative yet rigorous way of being adapt brilliantly online, and will transform the interactions, decisions and results of teams and groups wherever they are.  For more information check out the Courses listed below or contact Ruth directly.

Why Choose Think It Through?


Offering ONLINE some outstanding Time to Think open and qualifying courses, creating ideal professional development for our uncertain climate. Bespoke days and workshops that will refresh, inspire and encourage your teams, your staff,  and yourself.



Managers, leaders and teams: today more than ever you need time to reflect, think and plan for success. How productive are your meetings online? Do you want to communicate brilliantly, develop trust and get great results from staff and colleagues?



You don’t have time to think.  Yet if you did you would save time, avoid expensive mistakes and know yourself better.  As a leader, as a senior executive, as an individual, what would change for you if you gave yourself uninterrupted, generative, powerful time to find out?

Forthcoming Courses

TTT Coaching Course BLENDED, 13th/ 14th January In Person in Ealing, 10th /11th February Online

Over 5 days, both in person and online, we explore first where you are in your Thinking Partnership experience and practice.
We continue in live demonstrations, coached sessions and reflection to develop your skill as a Thinking Partner.

Find out more »
Online & Ealing, West London, Ealing
London, United Kingdom
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Time to Think Foundation Course In Person, 5th and 6th March 2025

What is the Foundation Course and how does it work? The course is designed to explore the theory and then demonstrate the very practical applications of the 10 foundational Components of the Thinking Environment®. Everything you’ll experience is designed to...

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Ealing, West London, United Kingdom
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The Thinking Partnership Programme BLENDED: 29th/ 30th April In Person in Ealing, and 14th/ 15th May Online

Essential foundational course in Nancy Kline's renowned Thinking Partnership over 4 days in person and online

Find out more »
Online & Ealing, West London, Ealing
London, United Kingdom
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Time to Think Facilitator Course, DUBLIN and Online, 19th /20th May and 17th/ 18th June

The Time to Think Facilitator Course teaches you how to be a Thinking Environment and inspire great thinking in groups and meetings.

Find out more »
RDS Dublin Ireland, 4 Anglesea Rd
Dublin, D04 N2A4 Ireland
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Customer Testimonials
Thoughts and Ideas
  It feels like very few people take seriously the annual, media-driven rush to New Year resolutions – why would we?! Settling down to take stock of the year that’s just ended, reflecting on what happened, seeking for insight into...
  • 12 January 2024
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During a recent Thinking Partnership Programme I was struck afresh by the precise intention of what it is that we aim to do at that moment when the Thinker pauses.  It’s the moment when as the Thinking Partner we consider...
  • 14 November 2023
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