It feels like very few people take seriously the annual, media-driven rush to New Year resolutions – why would we?! Settling down to take stock of the year that’s just ended, reflecting on what happened, seeking for insight into...
During a recent Thinking Partnership Programme I was struck afresh by the precise intention of what it is that we aim to do at that moment when the Thinker pauses. It’s the moment when as the Thinking Partner we consider...
Try saying this out loud. ‘Today is the youngest I’m ever going to be.’ I’m starting this September newsletter with this statement because of a conversation last week with a TTT colleague, whose response to it was a mix of surprise...
What have you discovered so far about AI? I’ve been exploring a bit. I didn’t know the answer to this question, so I asked Chat GPT to write me a newsletter comparing AI with the Thinking Environment. The following text...
As a practitioner and therefore an occasional ‘seller’ of Thinking Environment coaching or facilitation, how often do you get asked by a possible client ‘is there any evidence for how or why this works – how can you prove it?’...
What does noticing a paradox do to you? Life is full of paradox, a potential maze for the mind; the Thinking Environment offers us so much that is paradoxical, it’s something that we can love to encounter and yet feel uncomfortable...
How was your 2022? As it draws to a close and we start to look ahead to 2023, what stands out for you? What do you notice in your life and work during 2022 that might direct or support you during...
It’s been three months now since I last wrote a newsletter. Did you notice?! I do think sometimes I should stop, on the basis that I’ve been writing these notes since 2014 and maybe enough is enough? * And then recently I’ve been thinking and...