Keeping ideas fresh: what’s needed next.
Keeping ourselves fresh – in mind, body, spirit – through this winter currently feels like a big ask. Moving through these confusing Tiers and Levels tells us we are on a downward curve, which is unlikely to really ‘lift’ again until the spring. Basically a tough call professionally and personally.
So what’s the best way to manage this time and boost the mojo – what can we revisit, or newly discover that might help us through the winter months? We know about exercise, meditation, being in nature, music, culture, reading… and I feel grateful and lucky to have access to all of them. And some like walking and outdoor exercise will be less accessible until the short days lengthen again.
Keeping attention away from the endless rabbit holes of bad news online and off, and focusing instead on the specific and the beneficial is probably my most successful way of keeping fresh in face of all this renewed uncertainty. It takes some effort. I find I can go online for a task and then set off in a totally forgivable search for something encouraging and new, ending up in a spiral of disappointment, even anxiety Especially now while we wait for November 3rd in the US… That’s Digistraction.
‘Digistraction‘ breaks our attention, wears away our capacity for optimism, stops us thinking for ourselves – I know it’s not just me! It’s distracting, yes, but not in a way that stimulates or nourishes the mind. We need something else for that. Maybe we need the promise.
The Promise
‘Digistraction’ is a word that derives from Nancy’s new book. Which I certainly have been discussing on social media, so my apologies if this is repetition for you! No apologies for my enthusiasm though. This is the best promise we can make, day in and day out, through a long winter.
We know there is something magical in seeing someone beginning to connect with their own thoughts and ideas, beginning to reflect deeply and to discover what’s really going on inside their own mind. And when others listen and start to understand, and maybe even move the dial on their own ideas – that can feel like magic too. We know it because we experience it ourselves, in the presence of that promise.
That’s the potential embodied in ‘The Promise that Changes Everything’, I Won’t Interrupt You. Out from Penguin on 29th October, and also on Audible.
Call to action?
Maybe even more importantly the book is a stirring call to action. Action in service of individuals, communities and the world, action against polarisation and binary thinking – action driven by our deep connection, new understanding and generosity. Above all action based on the clarity of no interruption.
FYI the remarkable Margaret Heffernan really rates it:
As living and working become more complex, the lessons and practices here will shift a sense of chaos to one of clarity and a mindset of fear to one of hope. It could not have come at a better moment.
And you can have a quick peek here, if you wish, in last Sunday’s Observer…
So in a modest attempt at new action, I’ve recently connected with an inspiring collective initiative for women and leadership, She Leads Change. I’m buoyed up by the courage and optimism of young people generally and am drawn to work with young women leaders because in my time (ha!) such a thing was simply unheard of. Ridiculous I know, which is another reason to celebrate it now. It’s a privilege and a pleasure to spend time with these young people – another way (after more exercise and getting outside) for me to stay fresh during the winter months.
And you?
There is an enormous amount out there that’s good. What are you finding, what are you planning to do differently over the next 6 months or so? Is there one thing that’s especially strengthening for you now? Do please tell me your ideas!