Managing Covid Uncertainty

Are we there yet…?

Groundhog Day, Covid Times, lockdown, no lockdown, action replay – depending on where you live, there’s more or less confused messaging, go to work, don’t go to work, here’s more freedom, then less. Wherever we are in the world the coronavirus remains both a driver and a block for our planning and thinking for the next 6 months at least. So what’s next?  Here’s some food for thought, courtesy of US Disaster studies, and an interesting piece by leadership coach Kirsten Lisandi – all here.

Looking at this graph is a bit depressing to begin with. Seems that we may be halfway along the Disillusionment line, with some more time in the down curve before we begin to emerge post anniversary into a genuinely new phase of Reconstruction.

I’m offering it here as information, not because I think it’s 100% accurate – I wouldn’t know.  It’s helpful to have an idea of the direction of travel (even when I don’t like it!) and some sense of when we might realistically expect the dynamic of this to change.  I’m tired of speculation about vaccines and cures, it feels much more inspiring to ask ‘How do I live with this for the foreseeable future – and even make the best of it?’ rather than fixating on an endpoint.

The fact that the graph derives from Disaster studies is very interesting. I certainly recognise many of the behaviours of earlier parts of the cycle: remember all the discussion of heroes? I also notice how well resourced we are, what a long way we are from the aftermath of wars and hurricanes or tsunamis in other, poorer parts of the world, and feel grateful for that. Yet also how much there is in common psychologically. These insights create a perspective which is helping me to plan into 2021 and to consider what resources I need personally, (resilience, pragmatic optimism, time out to think, and be) and what I can offer professionally.

Future plans

Part of that has been to give my website a facelift and to add new events to it regularly.  For example between April and July, I tried out new ‘Press Pause’ sessions online in very small groups of 6, two precious hours where we could stop and reflect, think calmly together or in Pairs in breakout rooms and really get some perspective and peace.  So these are listed here on the website for the rest of the year.

For those qualified as TTT practitioners I’m working out how to provide Collegiate Days in this new era: the next one is on 22nd October.  Numbers are limited so please do have a look if you’re interested.: I’m certain that taking time out to think afresh is key to our resilience, happiness and productivity over the next months, especially when looking at the winter. But then I would say that 🙂

The Promise…

And finally, I’m looking forward to the bright light of Nancy’s new bookThe Promise that Changes Everything, I Won’t Interrupt You, coming from Penguin at the end of October. 10 years on from the publication of More Time to Think there is so much in it that’s new and important – a real feast.

And you?

What are you looking forward to, as we move into this new phase of life and work from October onwards – and what have you recently discovered that encourages you in that?  I always love to hear from you and will pass on your suggestions next time.

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