The Time to Think Facilitator Course teaches you how to be a Thinking Environment and inspire great thinking in groups and meetings.
- 19 May 2025
Over 5 days, both in person and online, we explore first where you are in your Thinking Partnership experience and practice.
We continue in live demonstrations, coached sessions and reflection to develop your skill as a Thinking Partner.
- 13 January 2025
The Foundation Course is a 2-day intensive and highly experiential course designed to explore the theory and then demonstrate the practical applications of the 10 foundational Components of the Thinking Environment®. Everything you’ll experience is designed to stimulate and support the thinking of each person in the group or meeting, resulting in better communication, deeper understanding, precise decision making and more energy.
- 18 April 2023
Covid, climate, war in Ukraine. An unholy trio of pain and distress and fear for the future. How can we set ourselves to think about these things, to gather information and yet to stay in a place of calm, rather than...
- 17 March 2022
Over 5 days, both in person and online, we begin by discovering where you are in your Thinking Partnership experience and practice.
- 15 March 2022
Time to Think online Thinking Partnership Programme. Offers unique insights into how we think at our best.
- 22 February 2022
THIS COURSE IS NOW FULLY BOOKED Time to Think Facilitator Course, Online, 16, 17, 24, 25 November and 15 December 2021 Times: 10.00-12.15 and 1.15 to 3.30 each day. This course is normally of 3 days duration, which is 18...
- 16 November 2021
How are you getting on with the much-discussed ‘return to normal’? Does that mean continuing to work from home, or a return to an office; does it mean resuming commuting, above all do you have choice and autonomy in the new normal? I’ve...
- 21 October 2021
What difference would it make to you, your work, your life if you could fall in love with discovery? Aha, you may say, I am already in love with discovery. I love to find new friends, new restaurants, new songs and music,...
- 24 September 2021
The Foundation Course is a 2-day intensive and highly experiential course designed to explore the theory and then demonstrate the practical applications of the 10 foundational Components of the Thinking Environment®. Everything you’ll experience is designed to stimulate and support the thinking of each person in the group or meeting, resulting in better communication, deeper understanding, precise decision making and more energy.
- 22 June 2021